AC Line Protection

AC Line Protection

Design Notes:

Protection Application:
Products that are directly connected to the AC line may be exposed to large surge transients (lightning, load switching, etc.).
Solution Description:
For surge protection, an MOV should be selected based on the expected severity (energy, voltage and peak pulse current) of the transient surge. The specific family (C-III, UltraMOV or LA) can be determined after the surge severity is understood. A GFCI that is built-in to an appliance might also include a current-limiting device, but a general usage GFCI should allow over-current conditions to be handled by the branch circuit breaker or fuse in the service panel.
Companion Solutions:
Does not apply.
Regulatory Issues:
Standards will vary depending on the product to be protected.
Unique Features:
Does not apply.
Application Warnings:
Does not apply.

